Jason Howell, CFP® (left) and Doug Tees, MBA, CFP® (right)
Letter to Stakeholders, July 2021
Wednesday, July 14, 3:46 pm EST. Instead of writing a typical mid-year report, we thought it might be interesting to share what your firm has been up to over the past 15 months. It’s been one heck of a year, but we feel fortunate to still be here. We know you do as well.
March 2020
The start of the pandemic was the first true “financial crisis” we experienced as a firm. With words and video, we translated what we saw happening in the securities markets, fiscal policy (coming out of Washington, DC) and monetary policy (coming out of the Federal Reserve Bank). We leveraged our knowledge as financial planners and my experience as a former accountant and politician, to translate those CARES Acts and Federal Reserve pronouncements. We also rebalanced your portfolios to “buy low and sell high.” It worked.
April 2020
Doug Tees was recognized for passing the CFP® exam and ironing in his commitment to serving you with expertise beyond his MBA from Indiana University’s Kelly School of Business and his Six Sigma Green Belt.
May 2020
We started what turned into a YouTube channel initially featuring financial team partners and then a focus on philanthropy and the SRI/ESG/Impact investing focus we now have as a firm.
June 2020
I was asked, and I accepted, the role to Chair George Mason University's inaugural Financial Planning and Wealth Management Advisory Board . My alma mater launched a financial planning curriculum (which I teach) and they asked that I lead a group of financial advisers (mostly local) to support our students.
August 2020
We transformed Jason Howell Company and most importantly, our website - with wind turbines! - into one that is fully committed to our firm and our client’s family values through values-based investing.
We’re the firm to recommend for families led by 45- 65-year-old stakeholders who are looking for a financial planner that is all in ESG/SRI/Impact investing and performance.
September 2020
We interviewed the creator of the Chartered SRI Counsellor™ designation (CSRIC®), that focuses on the history, science and data behind sustainable investing. Doug and I decided that it would speed up our firm's learning curve if I prepped and sat for the exam. I estimate it saved about 5 years of "dabbling" and we turned that knowledge into guest appearances.
November 2020
Doug prepared for and earned an American Heart Association and Financial Planning Association Certificate in Philanthropic Solutions. Philanthropy has become an increasing opportunity for many of you. We added expertise. For the second time, I was named to the Washingtonian TOP Wealth Adviser list.
December 2020
I passed the exam for the CSRIC® credential! It took about 75 hours all-in (Doug and I track our time daily). Fewer than 500 advisers have this designation. Many have been fighting the sustainability cause for decades but financial advisors with formal knowledge? Only about 500.
January 2021
We kept the "study ball" rolling and I enrolled in the Yale Wealth Management Theory and Practice Curriculum for the Certified Private Wealth Adviser (CPWA®) designation. The curriculum for the CPWA® is in advanced planning; including portfolio and planning design for closely held businesses, wealth transfer, charitable giving, wealthy family dynamics, etc.
We're the firm to recommend for families led by 45–65-year-old executives who have stock options, incentive compensation or complex estate planning needs.
March 2021
Doug learned that Betsy Schatz, the inspiration and 32-year Executive Director of Langley Support Services (Langley) passed away. Doug has been serving as a board member with Langley (10 years and counting) and he became an important, experienced leader as Langley regrouped to maintain their mission of serving adults with developmental disabilities.
April 2021
I passed the CPWA® exam! Completing the Yale program and preparing for the exam, took another 155 hours. There are just over 2,000 advisers (out of the 300,000+ in the United States) who have earned this advanced designation. In April I also accepted the George Mason University Alumni Service Award. There's video (starting at 20:21)! #GoMason
June 2021
Doug earned a Certificate in Blockchain and Digital Assets® to help the firm keep up with digital assets like bitcoin and technologies like Ethereum. George Mason University's School of Business awarded me their Alumni Service Award. I was asked to not only accept my award but host the ceremonies. Once again, there is video. There have also been media appearances that have kept us engaged with economic policy. In June we also hosted the co-founder of our sustainable investing technology to add clarity to how we invest.
In Summary
We have spent the past many months mostly hunkered down with our families but along the way, have grown. Professionally we have added to our education and been recognized for our ongoing service to the community. With all the pandemic has wrought, our commitment to sustainable values, philanthropy and your financial success has only been strengthened.
We are a growing firm and (only?) in our late 40s; still young enough to bring your friends to retirement. As we “reopen” please share the availability of our services with those who are important to you.
Looking forward to meeting in-person soon,
Jason J. Howell, CFP®, CPWA®, CSRIC®
Jason Howell Company (JHCo.) is an independent, family wealth management firm run by two owners who consider it their family business. Jason J. Howell, CFP®, CPWA®, CSRIC® and Douglas W. Tees, MBA, CFP® are both married to patient wives and are dedicated to their kids.
The firm owners believe that serving families through a process that supports family harmony, preserves family history and nurtures family values is the key to true wealth. It begins with a sustainable Investment Strategy and continues by equipping client families with three (3) tools for creating sustainable wealth. Most JHCo. clients invest their time, talent and treasure in the community. Jason Howell Company enjoys serving clients who go beyond being stockholders to becoming true "stakeholders." JHCo. calls this work total family governance and it's their specialty. Doug and Jason empower communities, one family at a time.
For more information about our strategies, just book an introductory call: Introductory Call